In this video tutorial, viewers learn how to perform back-flips on roller-blades. Before attempting this trick, users should be able to do a back-flip off the wall. For beginners, start by learning ho ...
In this how-to video, you will learn how to turn while riding on rollerblades. Start out by going into the ready position with forward momentum. Look into the direction you are going to turn. Keep you ...
In this video, a skater demonstrates and explains how to make a cross over turn on roller blades.The cross over is similar to a turn, but it is done much faster and it increases your speed while turni ...
In this video, you will learn how to glide on one foot with roller blades. All you need is a pair of roller blades and the proper safety equipment. This will involve you putting weight on the one foot ...
Kyle of Aggressivemall teaches you how to land an acid grind with aggressive skates.You should first go to your favorite curve to practice it as a stall. When doing an acid grind, your soul foot (or t ...
Skating backwards can be challenging but an instructor from Expert Village shows us two easy ways to learn. Several important things to keep in mind before you begin is to not be afraid of falling, ma ...
Raelle Cook provides skaters with the basics of turning while on roller skates. The first thing skaters need to know is they have to be skating at a comfortable speed and a comfortable position. The m ...
After you have mastered going forward and forward gliding you may want to expand your skill set and start skating backwards. You will use a simple undulating motion that will allow you to propel yours ...
Rollerblading is a great way to get outside and enjoy the fresh air while getting a great work out. Being able to jump on your skates will allow you to go over object, uneven terrain, or get down ledg ...